The java script plugins from the "KadokawaPlugins" and "RPGmakerWeb_plugins" DLC folders go inside the "js/plugins" folder. The contents of the "Tilesets" folder goes inside your "img/tilesets" folder in your project folder.The contents of the "Facesets" folder goes inside your "img/faces" folder in your project folder.The contents of the "BONUS - Titles" folder goes inside your "img/titles1" folder in your project folder.
#How to use rpg maker steam dlc free#
Keep in mind! You will have to manually add the icons of this DLC inside the "IconSet.png" file inside the "system" folder of your project if you want to use them! This is done with any image editing software, I recommend GIMP as it is free and easy to use.

Just copy-paste these into your project folder and have them overwrite the existing "img" and "audio" folder. The "BaseResource" dlc is simple, it's resources is packaged into an "img" folder and an "audio" folder. This is where you paste the java script plugins from the "KadokawaPlugins" and "RPGmakerWeb_plugins" DLC folders. Inside the "js" folder there is another folder called "plugins".

Background music, background sound, etc., into their respective folders.

The "audio" folder is where you will place audio. Faces, battlers, etc., into their respective folders. The "img" folder is where you will place all graphics from the DLC. Inside you will find, amongst other things, a folder called "img", one named "audio", as well as one named "js". The standard folder is Documents\Games\insert-your-project-name-here. This is not necessarily the case with custom resources that you made yourself. The resources inside steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\BaseResource\img goes inside the "img" folder of your project. With the DLC, the resources usually come with sorted and in folders that correspond to where they belong in your project's folders.